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I Will Find ..

I pace my steps
and walk without His shadows
the sky and earth is loyal to me
the sun shines but it is not for me..
I burn in the heat without His protection

As days gone by, I stay strong waiting

His presence in my life
Disappointed that my aching feet, tired from running..
has not been rewarded. Yet I still believe I will find.

I will never stop trying
my mission to find His Love
that is made especially for me..
I shall search the ends of this earth..

Because I know I will meet Him..
I must pursue my dreams I have now..

I see everybody gleaming with happiness..
when they've found His love..
My smile only brings pain..
I only need a friend in Him..

Love, please don't hide
My vission are blurred..
Please present yourself to me..
Love, please do not go
when all I do is chase after you..

P/s: Janganlah berputus asa. Tetapi kalau anda sampai berada dalam keadaan putus asa, berjuanglah terus meskipun dalam keadaan putus asa.

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